Cameroon Cities Douala , Ngaoundere , Maroua , Yaoundé
Cameroon Cities Douala , Ngaoundere , Maroua , Yaoundé
Travel tips for your trip to Cameroon Hotel Maps Famous Places in Cameroon helps you to make your trip to Cameroon in the holiday a Splendid One


Douala is the one of the most important city of Cameroon and also the largest city of the country. Douala is also the capital of Cameroon and the capital of Cameroon's Littoral Province. The city also houses the largest port of Cameroon and the country's only major international airport, the Douala Airport .Doula is also the commercial capital of the country and handles most of the country's major exports, such as oil, cocoa and coffee, as well as trade with Chad. The largest market of Cameroon the Eko Market is located in this place.

The place is located on the banks of the Wouri River, which you can transverse via Bonaberi Bridge. This city has a population of nearly 2 million. The climate of this place is mainly tropical. Doula was first visited by the Portuguese in the year 1472. Douala became a place of immigrants by the end of 17th century who spoke the Douala language and during the eighteenth century it was center of the slave trade.

Before going under the German rule in the year 1884, this place was known as the Cameroons Town and later on came to be known as Kamarunstadt or the "Camaroon City", the capital of German Kamerun. The place was renamed as Douala in the year 1907 and became a part of the French Cameroons in 1919. During the year from 1940 to 1946 it was the capital of Cameroon.

The city is mainly divided into two main quarters with Akwa and Bonajo being the most important quarters. Akwa is important for its active nightlife having many pubs and bars while Bonaio is the main center for commerce and administration. The city also has some of Cameroon's best restaurants, coffee houses and French-style patisseries while along the waterfront many bars and bistros can be found. The Gulf of Guinea is one of the main places of attraction here. The main settlers of this place are French and Lebanese who mostly work in the petroleum industry.

Doula is also the most expensive city among the cities of Cameroon with a high cost of living. It is the 24th most expensive city in the world


People coming on Cameroon Tours, must visit Ngaoundere. Ngaoundere is the capital of the Adamawa Province of Cameroon. The word 'Ngaoundere' is a composite word in the Mbum language meaning Navel-Mountain. 'Ngaou' means mountain and 'ndere' means navel. The city is named after a nearby mountain. It is one of the popular Tourist Destinations in Cameroon.


Ngaoundere, Cameroon lies at the northern end of the railway to Yaounde.


Ngaoundere, Cameroon serves as an important communications hub in the country. The city links the south of Cameroon with the northern part of the country. The railway from Yaounde ends here. There is an airport as well. The airport has a 1.6 km strip and it is capable of accepting Boeing 737 and similar aircraft. Ngaoundere, Cameroon is linked to the Cameroonian microwave network.

Ngaoundere Airport

The city is served by Ngaoundere Airport (Latitude: 7.35, Longitude: 13.57). There are 2 flights per week departing from Ngaoundere. In addition to this, Ngaoundere has 3 flights departing per week for short haul destinations.


Founded in approximately 1835 by the Fulani leader Ardo Njobdi, the city of Ngaoundere, Cameroon has a population of 189,800 (2001 census). The Mbum are the indigenous population of the city. The Fulani after their invasion in the 19th century, became the ruling caste of the area. Being the largest city in Adamaoua by far, Ngaoundere draws huge number of settlers from the surrounding rural areas, including Dii from further north, Gbaya from the Meiganga area and Pere from the west.


Set at an elevation of 1100 meters, Ngaoundere, Cameroon has a nice climate.


The chief attractions in the city include the Lamido Palace and the Lamido Grand Mosque. The Palace du Lamido is especially interesting in weekends when the locals come here to pay their tribute to the Lamido.


The city has a combination of several religions. There are approximately 60% Muslims, 30% Christians of various denominations, including Lutheran Protestant, Catholic, Baptist and Anglican.


While dining in Ngaoundere remember Ngaoundere travel tips on food. There are abundant eateries serving native cuisine as well as international delicacies.


Abundant accommodations in the city of Ngaoundere offer comfortable lodging and convenient facilities and services to the travelers.


There are several Tourist Destinations in Cameroon and the city of Maroua is one of the famous of them. Located on the Ferngo and Kaliao Rivers, Maroua is the capital of the Far North Province of Cameroon.

Getting to Maroua

Getting to Maroua, Cameroon is easy and comfortable for the tourists. Transportation in Maroua, Cameroon is convenient and comfortable. Travelers will find getting to the city easy and convenient from any part of the country. The city has an airport. The tourists will get numerous flights from Maroua, Cameroon to the following destinations:

Flights from Maroua to Cameroon
Flights from Maroua to US
Flights from Maroua to North America

Flights from Maroua to Central America
Flights from Maroua to South America
Flights from Maroua to Europe
Flights from Maroua to Mexico
Flights from Maroua to Caribbean
Flights from Maroua to Asia
Flights from Maroua to Australasia
Flights from Maroua to Middle East
Flights from Maroua to Africa

Population in Maroua

Maroua, Cameroon, the center of cotton industry, has a population of 299,600.

Sightseeing in Maroua

During their travel, the tourists can also visit the chief attractions of the city:

Fon's Palace

This historical site is a highlight of Bamenda's Ring Road tour and includes a memorable tour of the compound where the Fon's large family lives. Standing in the courtyard, the visitors can see the splendid surroundings and the museum.

Mandara Mountains

Trekking in the stunning landscapes of the Mandara Mountains west of Maroua is one of the most popular attractions. The entire region is full of traditional hillside villages of round huts, huge stone formations and scenic valleys.

Waza National Park

Located 123 kilometers north of Maroua, Waza National Park is the most accessible wildlife-viewing experience in the country. The park features a huge number of elephants, giraffes, hippos, antelopes, monkeys along with various species of birds.

Dining in Maroua

The city of Maroua, Cameroon claims to have the best food in the country. The tourists must savor regional cuisine as well as international delicacies in the restaurants and bars.

Accommodation in Maroua

Abundant hotels in the city of Maroua, Cameroon offer comfortable accommodation to the travelers.


Yaoundé is the capital of Cameroon and is the second largest city of the country, the first being Doula. The city is located at the centre of the nation and is about 750 metres above the sea level.

History of Yaoundé:

Yaoundé is one of the major cities of Cameroon and was founded in 1888 by German traders as a base for the ivory trade and an agricultural research station. The place was later on occupied by the Belgian troops during World War I. After Germany was decisively defeated during the Second World War, France became the colonial ruler of eastern Cameroon, and Yaoundé became the capital of French Cameroon and till today it has remained the capital of the nation.

Economy of Yaoundé:

Besides being the capital of the country, the place is also an active economic zone. The major industries in this city are cigarettes, dairy products, breweries, clay, glass goods, and lumber. Items like cocoa, copra, sugar cane, rubber and coffee.

Places of interest in Yaoundé:

The city houses a number of government houses, hotels and also the central market. The Bastos area of the city is home to many foreign embassies and the European community who had settled here during the wars. The Etoudi neighborhood, a busy place in Yaounde houses a presidential palace and compound.

Other important places that should be visited are:

Cameroon Art Museum (located in a former Benedictine monastery),
Cameroon National Museum (located in the former presidential palace)
Afhemi Museum.

Yaoundé also has a zoological park which is located at Mvog-Betsi. Besides this place also has numerous small nightclubs and restaurants.

Transportation in Yaoundé: Yaoundé has one of the most important airports of Cameroon, namely the Yaoundé Nsimalen international airport while nearby Yaoundé Airport is mainly used for military purpose. The city has a wide railway lines which run southwards to the port city of Douala and north to N'Gaoundéré. Many bus service providers operate from this city particularly in the Nsam and Mvan neighborhoods.

The time taken for traveling from Doula to Yaoundé is about 3 hours. The traffic is very heavy during weekdays and comparatively much lighter during weekends

Enjoy Cameroon Tours!